It lacks mountains and has very few natural forests, but Uruguay makes up for what can be missed, with the seemingly eternal pampas of rolling grasslands. Our farms in Uruguay are mixed pasture and arable.
All of our seven farms are in the southwest of Uruguay. You can reach our most southern farm, Los Olivos, with a 2,5 hours drive from the country’s capital, Montevideo. And from Los Olivos to our most northern farm, Doña Maria, the drive will take 3,5 hours.
The rest of the farms rests 45 minutes in relay between them.
The temperate climate and natural grasslands enable us to produce world-class beef from grass-fed, open-range Angus Aberdeen cattle. The fertile soils in the southwest allow us to grow seeds and row crops like wheat, corn, and barley.

The land of Uruguay is like a patchwork of different soils in combination with native forests and small streams. Pastures and crops grow all year round. In five of our farms we have a combination of crops and livestock, and two farms are pure livestock farms.
All our agriculture in Uruguay is “no-till”, which is a regenerative farming principle that prevents soil erosion, protects the living soil organisms and allows to store more carbon in the soil.
Our certifications in Uruguay

We are carefully selecting certifications to provide assurance to our external partners and customers of our farming practices.
Read more about our certificationsThe gaucho was originally the rider of the prairie, and their culture remains a way of life. Tradition and knowledge are passed to the younger generations, who learn at a young age how to understand and work with cattle. They also learn how to tame, ride and care for horses
We are proud to continue the traditional gaucho customs which have evolved during the past 300 years.
Certified grass-fed beef
We raise original Aberdeen Angus cattle for beef production. Our animals spend their entire lives roaming the pastures and natural grasslands as they were meant to do.

Certified Humane
Animal welfare has always been a top priority for us. Therefore, we are proud to report that as the first beef producers in Latin America, our seven farms in Uruguay have obtained the “Certified Humane – Raised & Handled” certification for our Black Aberdeen Angus beef.