
The ability to track our products through all stages of production, processing, and distribution is an integral part of our food saftey programmes. Here’s an example of what that means for our beef production in Uruguay.

In Uruguay, we raise open-range, grass-fed Aberdeen Angus cattle. We track each individual animal from pasture to plate. This is possible due to a double eartag system comprised of a visual plastic tag on one ear, and an electronic chip in the other ear. Each animal is given a 9-digit ID number and we record its date of birth, sex, place of birth, and subsequently every movement through its entire lifetime.

In addition to identification and tracking, the electronic chip also enables better management of our cattle, because we can store individual records of weight, health treatment, performance, etc.

The abattoir verifies that the individual traceability is in good order – otherwise the animal is rejected. Via many records and numbers, the provenance of the animal is traced all the way through processing to the final cut of beef. 

At Ingleby Farms, we believe traceability is an integral part of being a responsible food producer. Read more about our Uruguayan certified Black Angus.

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