First Certified Humane® beef in Latin America
We are proud to be the first Certified Humane® beef company in Latin America. We care a great deal about the welfare of our cattle and with the certification we provide certainty to our customers and consumers, who buy our certified Angus beef, that by choosing our cuts, they buy beef from cattle that are raised and handled humanely.
Our Certified Humane® beef cuts are both exported and sold locally in Uruguay. The beef can be recognized on the Certified Humane® logo on the label.
Customers who buy our beef have the opportunity to extend the Certified Humane® certification on their own products. Contact us for more information.

Certified Humane
The certification, awarded by Humane Farm Animal Care (HFAC) September 2020, covers the animals’ entire lifetime and requires that:
- All animals must be free to move and not be confined.
- All animals must be able to exhibit natural behaviours.
- All animals must have sufficient protection from weather elements and live in an environment that promotes well-being, including daily access to pasture.
- Food additives such as antibiotics, hormones, growth promoters and animal by-products are prohibited.
- Managers and caretakers must be thoroughly trained, skilled and competent in animal husbandry and welfare.
We are audited annually to renew our certification status.
The program also certifies animal welfare practices at the processor’s facilities including transport and handling. This means that the whole supply chain from the animal is born until it is slaughtered, operates with good animal welfare procedures.
For more information, visit Certified Humane at

All our livestock are free-range and grass-fed on pastures and natural grasslands. In Uruguay we raise Black Angus cattle for beef production.
Black Aberdeen Angus is a hardy breed, easy to handle and produces a premium quality meat product.
Grass-fed beef comes from cattle raised only on grass or other forage. These cattle spend all their lives outside where they graze on pasture and natural grasslands. In Uruguay, our grass fed beef production has achieved the Never Ever 3 beef certification guaranteeing that the cattle are raised free-range, free of antibiotic and hormones and have full traceability throughout their lives.